How it Works


How It Works


Find a Transporter. Get Delivery Quotes from Local Recommended Transporters.

Post your job on our site or send a quote request directly to the transporters in your area. They will then send you back a no obligation delivery bid. Compare and choose which offer suits your criteria best. It’s free of charge, easy and will save you a lot of time. 

  1. Post your job on our site

Start by posting your delivery details and freight details from your profile on our site for free! Your job will then appear on the ‘find a job page’ and be seen by transporters near you and you will start receiving multiple bids (quotes)! Unlimited bids for free!

  1. Receive bids and quotes from transporters.

By reviewing multiple bids, you’ll get an idea of the general price range. Then, using price as one consideration, you can select a transporter based on other factors such as communication, speed, service options and reviews.

  1. Choose your provider and get your job delivered.

Select a transporter, ask questions directly if necessary. Easily book your delivery and pay a commission which is a percentage of total bid price. The balance will be paid to the transporter after the job is done. Get the transporters details once you have accepted the bid. Please do not share any contact details before the job has been won.

User Features
  • Post Unlimited jobs
  • Search for Transporters
  • Message Transporters
  • Receive multiple bids
  • No monthly fees